
Our program

In Discovery, parents often ask the question: “How do you manage to convince a child to speak English?” Parents study with their children at home, but wonder why he/she refuses to switch to English. Indeed, knowing the language well yourself is not enough to transfer your knowledge to your child.

Our program includes the latest trends in the field of teaching English language to children of the preschool age, as well as methods of early development. It is based on the extensive experience of leading methodologists who have worked with preschoolers. We selected the most optimal and effective forms of work presented in the textbooks (Cambridge, Pearson), and also supplemented the curriculum with our own developments.

Learning step by step through play!

At the initial stage, accompanied by a psychologist, we gently introduce the child to an English-speaking environment. We sing songs, play, make crafts, draw and work on colorful study materials. Our main task is to make a child comfortable with the English language. Once the goal is achieved, we can move on, gradually complicating the task.

Our careful focus on individuality

Our teachers never set tasks for a “group”. We assess the natural abilities of each individual child and strive to find and maximize their talents. Our approach includes a large number of additional disciplines so that the child realizes what he/she excels at and loves the process of obtaining new knowledge. The harmonious development of the child’s personality is our goal, so the daily schedule is designed to form four basic skills: mental, motor, sensory, and behavior.

Comprehensive development of the child in the English-speaking environment

It is known that the early learning of a foreign language in itself gives momentum to the development of the brain of a child. However, when we speak of complex development, we mean seven main areas: linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal and interpersonal.

The development of each area has its own plan, timetable and unit classes.

A musical block includes learning English songs and rhymes, and acquaintance with classical music. It develops the musical abilities which are necessary to improve phonemic awareness and pronunciation.

In the mathematical block children get acquainted with numbers, learn to add and subtract in English and learn logical reasoning. These lessons are aimed at developing the logical and mathematical abilities which are necessary for the formation of the child's cognitive and creative abilities.

A creative block is where children create small crafts with their own hands. Drawing, sculpting and cutting out not only allows to discover creative potential in every child, but also has a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills and the visual-spatial abilities. These skills are necessary for the development of understanding colors, shapes, lines and relationships between objects in space.

The natural science block is a series of experiments where children can experiment with extraordinary properties of ordinary objects and acquire practical experience. This training format allows the student to develop autonomy and to teach children to think critically and independently while finding answers to complex questions.

Socialization, communication, ... Respect!

All our classes are held in the form of a game, which helps to create a positive emotional attitude and to maintain children's interest in classes. Playing games is a leading activity for children. That’s why we teach them how to communicate with the teacher and peers through different games as well as how to ask and answer questions using English. Children learn to properly name their feelings, express emotions, take into account the opinions of other people, respect others’ opinions and freedoms of other people.

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